Mind Change® is a healing system utilizing the power of the mind/body connection. It is a method designed to allow emotional and psychological stability by reprogramming the brain’s mental (subconscious) patterns that then positively impact our responses and behavior towards life. Mind Change® operates with tangible physical mechanics backed by science.

Since nothing happens in the body without the “permission” of the brain, we can harness all the power of the mind/body/spirit connection. Having studied countless healing modalities, therapies, counseling and coaching tactics, spiritual healing, along with new cutting-edge neuroscience, we have learned to integrate the most effective elements of many modalities.

In conjunction with all this learning, Mind Change® has its own unique process to get into the subconscious for deep and permanent healing. After deconstructing the negative neuropathways and healing the root system, we can then construct new neuropathways that will create the trajectory for your new life journey of growth and victory.

Since our mind is what creates our reality, Mind Change® is can be utilized for anything: Emotional, Physical, and Psychological Health. It also can address any relational, mental, or spiritual stuck-ness that continues to arise. Ailments such as stress, anxiety, depression, chronic pains, fears, phobias, weight-loss and self-esteem issues, grief and loss, as well as addictions and chronic illness are just some of the many issues that clients leave behind in their personal transformations with Mind Change®.

And yet one of the best aspects of Mind Change® is that it’s all about continual leveling-up. It’s about letting go of anything that’s holding you back so that you can step into your absolute best and empowered self, living life to the full.

One of the most appreciated aspects is that it is fast, direct and to the point.

At its core, Mind Change® is a personal development and wellness tool that allows positive changes in problematic thought processes that reside within a deeper consciousness. The memories supporting the structure of the problem are aimed to be weakened and collapsed by releasing negative emotions, traumas, or memories surrounding the issue. The process and techniques allow for immediate positive changes in the person’s mental state, thus producing healthy responses and habits in the future.

Understanding how the brain works is a key component of Mind Change®.  Neuroplasticity, also known as brain plasticity and neural plasticity, is the ability of the brain to change throughout an individual's life. Our brain activity associated with a given function can be transferred to a different location, the proportion of grey matter can change, and synapses may strengthen or weaken over time. Research in the latter half of the 20th century showed that many aspects of the brain can be altered (or are "plastic") even through adulthood. Neuroplasticity can be observed at multiple scales, from microscopic changes in individual neurons to larger-scale changes such as cortical remapping in response to injury. Behavior, environmental stimuli, thoughts, and emotions may also cause neuroplastic change through activity-dependent plasticity, which has significant implications for healthy development, learning, memory, and recovery from brain damage.

Thankfully, you don’t need to know how your brain works in order for Mind Change® to work! All you need to know is that your neuro net-highway changes every moment.  And if we let it, our brain can collapse all the negative neuropathways and instead, create new positive neuronal synapses and links to our past, in order to change our future in incredible ways.  

Mind Change® understands how the brain works in order to help you live the life you've always wanted.