The Emotional Roots of Obesity: Healing Trauma for Sustainable Weight Management

In this episode of The Mind Change Podcast, Heather McKean delves into the intricate web of emotional drivers behind weight gain and obesity. Drawing from her extensive expertise in the mind-body connection and neurobiology of trauma, Heather sheds light on the profound impact of past traumas on our relationship with food and body image.


Heather uncovers the stark reality of traditional weight management approaches' limitations and advocates for a more holistic understanding of obesity—one that addresses the underlying emotional wounds driving it. From childhood sexual abuse to repressed grief and loss, Heather navigates the complex terrain of emotional triggers, offering insights into how they manifest in our relationship with food and self-perception.

Through compelling real-life examples and expert analysis, Heather illuminates the vicious cycle of emotional layering and avoidance, highlighting the importance of self-awareness and self-compassion in breaking free from its grip. Moreover, she introduces listeners to the transformative power of Mind Change techniques in healing emotional wounds and facilitating sustainable weight management.

This episode serves as a beacon of hope for those grappling with obesity, offering practical strategies and encouragement for reclaiming agency over their health and well-being. Join Heather on this transformative journey as she empowers listeners to embrace a new paradigm of healing—one that honors the profound connection between mind, body, and spirit.

In this episode, you will learn:

🧠 The direct link between past trauma and weight gain.

🛑 Limitations of traditional weight management methods.

🩸 Impact of childhood trauma on adult obesity rates.

🔑 Emotional drivers behind obesity: protection and grief.

😔 Effects of obesity on relationships and self-perception.

🔄 Vicious cycle of emotional layering and weight gain.

🧘‍♂️ Strategies for addressing trauma in weight loss.

💡 Transformative potential of Mind Change techniques.

📚 Real-life examples of obesity complexities.

🌟 Hope and encouragement for reclaiming health.

And more!

📚 Get Heather’s book - “Mind Change: Changing The World One Mind At A Time” -  HERE

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