Feedback - When Do I Change Myself and When Do I Change My Life?

In this episode of The Mind Change Podcast, Heather McKean and Mind Change practitioner McKenzie Brewster explore the nuanced topic of feedback, investigating the differences between internal and external changes.


Heather and McKenzie delve into how individuals navigate personal growth and adapt to their environments, highlighting the shift from a victim mentality to empowered choice. Emphasizing the significance of understanding one's worth and agency, they discuss the evolution towards self-empowerment, a journey often facilitated by ongoing work with the Mind Change Method.

McKenzie reflects on her journey of self-discovery, highlighting the balance between automatic responses shaped by past experiences and moments where feedback prompts internal shifts. Heather emphasizes the significance of recognizing and removing filters inherited from childhood, fostering a sense of safety and empowerment as prerequisites for meaningful change.

Practical examples, such as navigating the education system and dietary choices, illustrate the interplay between internal mindset and external circumstances. They stress the need to cultivate self-worth and agency before assessing and potentially altering one's environment.

The conversation extends to sensitive topics like abusive relationships, underscoring the complex interplay between internal perception and external reality. Heather shares personal experiences, accentuating the transformative power of staying grounded in one's worth and choosing how to respond to feedback from the environment.

Join us in this episode as we delve underscore the importance of introspection, empowerment, and deliberate choice in navigating personal growth and societal challenges.

In this episode, you will learn how to:

๐Ÿ’ก Understand the distinction between internal and external changes in response to feedback.

๐ŸŒฑ Navigate personal growth and environmental adaptation, moving from a victim mentality to empowered choice.

๐Ÿš€ Recognize the importance of understanding one's worth and agency in fostering meaningful change.

๐Ÿ”„ Find a balance between automatic responses and moments where feedback prompts internal shifts.

๐ŸŽฏ Reflect on childhood filters and foster a sense of safety and empowerment as prerequisites for change.

๐ŸŒ Illustrate the interplay between internal mindset and external circumstances through practical examples.

๐Ÿ’” Address sensitive topics like abusive relationships and the complex interplay between internal perception and external reality.

โœจ Emphasize the transformative power of staying grounded in one's worth and choosing how to respond to feedback.

๐ŸŒฑ Cultivate self-worth and agency before assessing and potentially altering one's environment.

๐Ÿง  Recognize the importance of introspection, empowerment, and deliberate choice in navigating personal growth and societal challenges.

And more!

๐Ÿ“š Get Heatherโ€™s book - โ€œMind Change: Changing The World One Mind At A Timeโ€ -  HERE

๐ŸŽ“ Courses:

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