Parenting is never easy, but as we make peace with our own family up-bringing, we can learn the skills we need to become the best parents our children could ever have.

Parenting is never easy, but as we make peace with our own family up-bringing, we can learn the skills we need to become the best parents our children could ever have.

With over 30 years of combined experience in counseling family ministry, Kent and Heather can help you find the peace that is missing in your home. It is within yourself. There is hope for unity, love, and reconnection as you dive deeper into the desired outcome you have for a family.

We always encourage family members to each get their own personal sessions in order to engage with the family as their highest selves, moving forward altogether.

Book a session or package today!

Nothing is more satisfying than a house full of unity, joy, love, peace, and security. Unfortunately, many of us did not grow up that way, and in these times it feels as if the functional family unit is a thing of the past.  

But there is GREAT NEWS! You can have the family life you've always dreamed of when you let go of the past and anchor all of the good. Your family needs you. Your children are counting on you. And you deserve it!